The Northern Chesapeake Heritage Foundation (NCHF) is a veteran run, duly registered 501c3 non-profit organization. All donations to the foundation are fully tax-deductible within the parameters set forth by applicable laws. Please contact your tax consultant or attorney for advice as required.
Mission Statement
To Inspire and promote a community wide commitment to historic and cultural preservation and to conduct charitable activities providing services and advocacy for the disadvantaged veteran, their families and all others who may be underserved in our communities
Our Purpose
The Northern Chesapeake Heritage Foundation was organized exclusively for charitable good in our communities, historic preservation and general community service purposes. We are focused primarily, but not exclusively, on military veterans and active service communities in the Northern-Central Maryland Area. As an organization, we will engage in activities central to our core mission including, but not limited to:
• Identifying and honoring deceased veterans with unmarked gravesites thru procurement of government or private burial markers; to honor by cenotaph, those lost at sea or in other cases where remains have not been recovered.
• Restoration or replacement of existing monuments and markers where practical thru solicitation of charitable donations or qualified government procurement.
• Developing and/or partnering with existing charitable organizations to provide community clothing, personal care and sustenance aid initiatives to assist homeless and low-income veterans and active military and their families.
• Extend aforementioned charitable services to benefit area children of all ages throughout the community.
• Promote, assist and actively participate in local and regional historic preservation initiatives.